Wisdom Teeth Extractions With IV Sedation

Wisdom Teeth Extractions With IV Sedation

Are your wisdom teeth causing you discomfort or oral health issues? Look no further than Paris Dental Excellence for expert wisdom teeth extractions with IV sedation. Our qualified staff of dentists is here to ensure that your visit is trouble-free, relaxing, and enjoyable.
When it comes to wisdom teeth extraction, IV sedation offers the highest level of relaxation and pain management. With this advanced technique, a sedative medication is administered intravenously, ensuring you remain in a state of deep relaxation throughout the procedure. To make sure you’re secure and sound, our professional staff will keep a constant eye on you.
During your consultation, our dentists will assess the position and condition of your wisdom teeth using state-of-the-art imaging technology. If extraction is recommended, we will discuss the details of the procedure, answer any questions you may have, and provide you with a checklist to help you prepare.

Wisdom Teeth Extractions With IV Sedation

Arrange Transportation

Since the sedative effects may linger after the procedure, it's important to have someone accompany you and drive you home.

Follow Pre-Operative Instructions

We will provide you with specific guidelines to ensure a successful procedure, including fasting requirements.

Wear comfortable clothing

Opt for loose, comfortable attire that allows for easy movement and access to the surgical area.

Arrange For Post-Operative Care

Plan for a relaxing environment at home and have soft, nutritious foods ready to consume during your recovery period.

Ready to Experience the Ultimate Comfort?

Schedule your wisdom teeth extraction with IV sedation and enjoy a stress-free dental experience.

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